Във Враца днес се открива изложба на лампови радиоапарати, някои от които на почти един век.
Собственик на старите апарати е пожарникар по професия – Петър Тодоров. Част от приемниците, които са от целия свят, имат и антикварна стойност.
„В момента имам около 200 радиоапарата. При мен стана случайно – започнах да ги събирам преди 17-18 години след пожар при един приятел. Той успя да спаси 7 апарата, предложи ми да ги купя и така започнах“, казва Тодоров.
Най-старият български апарат, който притежава, е произведен 1927 г., когато е основана фабриката за тези приемници в Бургас.
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Интересно разнообразие от раритетни радиоапарати! Нямам търпение да видя изложбата и да се запозная с историята на тези уникални експонати.
Много интересно! Обичам антикварните предмети и сигурно ще си намеря нещо впечатляващо на тази изложба. Can’t wait!
Звучи много забавно! С нетърпение очаквам да видя какви антикварни радиоапарати ще бъдат изложени от целия свят.
During the Renaissance, there was a renewed interest in the arts, literature, and learning, leading to significant cultural and intellectual changes across Europe.
1. Artistic Renaissance: The period saw a rise in creativity and innovation in various art forms, including painting, sculpture, and architecture. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael produced some of their most iconic works during this time.
2. Humanism: Renaissance thinkers emphasized the importance of human potential and achievements. They focused on the study of classical texts and the promotion of individualism, leading to a shift in the dominant worldview from God-centered to human-centered.
3. Scientific Revolution: The Renaissance also witnessed significant advancements in science and technology. Innovators like Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, and Johannes Kepler challenged traditional beliefs about the universe and made groundbreaking discoveries in fields such as astronomy and physics.
4. Printing Press: The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg revolutionized the spread of knowledge and information. Books became more accessible and affordable, leading to increased literacy rates and the widespread dissemination of ideas.
5. Exploration and Discovery: The Renaissance era coincided with a period of exploration and discovery, as European countries embarked on expeditions to explore new lands and establish colonies. This increased contact with different cultures and the discovery of new trade routes further fueled intellectual curiosity.
6. Protestant Reformation: The religious landscape of Europe was profoundly transformed by the Protestant Reformation, initiated by Martin Luther in the early 16th century. This led to the fragmentation of the Catholic Church and the rise of various Protestant denominations, resulting in religious conflicts and wars.
7. Secularism: The Renaissance saw a decline in the dominance of the Catholic Church and a growing secularization of society. People began to place greater importance on worldly matters and the pursuit of knowledge and happiness in the present life.
8. Education and Universities: The Renaissance significantly impacted education, with the establishment of new universities and the emphasis on humanist education. The study of humanities and the liberal arts gained prominence, promoting critical thinking and a well-rounded education.
Overall, the Renaissance was a time of cultural and intellectual reawakening, promoting new ways of thinking, creating, and exploring. It laid the foundation for many of the developments that shaped the modern world.