Два влака се сблъскаха на метростанция в Москва, информираха оперативните служби, пишат местни медии.
По предварителна информация машинист е затиснат между ударилите се мотриси. Спасителите се опитват да го спасят, уточниха спешните служби. Няма пострадали сред пътниците.
Инцидентът е станал на станция „Печатники“ на Люблинско-Дмитровската линия.
Има затруднения в движението на другите влакове.
Надявам се машинистът да се измъкне без сериозни наранявания.
Много се надявам на бързо възстановяване на пострадалите.
Много съчувствие и молитви за пострадалите и машинистите. Надявам се на бързо възстановяване и разследване на инцидента. 🙏
Ужасно събитие! Надявам се машинистът да бъде бързо освободен и за всички пострадали да им се помогне. 🙏
Sure, I can provide you with a brief explanation.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis, also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), is a complex illness characterized by extreme fatigue that cannot be explained by any underlying medical condition and is not alleviated by rest. The fatigue experienced by individuals with ME/CFS is often profound and may worsen with physical or mental activity, leading to a significant decrease in their ability to engage in daily activities.
In addition to fatigue, individuals with ME/CFS may experience a range of other symptoms, including difficulty with concentration and memory (often referred to as „brain fog“), sleep disturbances, muscle pain and weakness, joint pain, headaches, sore throat, and tender lymph nodes. These symptoms can fluctuate in severity and may be exacerbated by physical or mental exertion, a condition known as „post-exertional malaise.“
The exact cause of ME/CFS is unknown, and there is no specific diagnostic test for the condition. However, research suggests that it may be related to dysregulation of the immune system, abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system, and/or viral infections. It is believed to be a complex and multifactorial disorder.
Management of ME/CFS focuses on symptom relief and improving quality of life. This may involve a combination of approaches, including lifestyle modifications (such as pacing and energy conservation), medication for symptom management (such as painkillers or sleep aids), cognitive-behavioral therapy, and graded exercise therapy.
It is important to note that ME/CFS is a serious and debilitating illness that can significantly impact the daily life of individuals affected by it. Supportive care, understanding, and accommodations can play a crucial role in helping patients manage their symptoms and improve their overall well-being.
/CFS is often accompanied by a range of other symptoms, including cognitive difficulties, pain, sleep disturbances, and post-exertional malaise. Although the exact cause of ME/CFS is still unknown, it is believed to involve a combination of genetic, environmental, and immune system factors. Currently, there is no cure for ME/CFS, but management strategies can help improve symptoms and quality of life. If you or someone you know is experiencing symptoms of ME/CFS, it is important to seek medical attention and support.
Силно съжалявам за инцидента. Надявам се, че машинистът ще бъде отпуснат скоро и няма сериозни наранявания.
Моля бъдете останали, надявам се за бързо възстановяване!
Благодаря за информацията и помощта! Надявам се, че всички пострадали ще се възстановят бързо.